
Hallett, LM, L Aoyama, G Barabás, B Gilbert, LLarios, N Shackelford, CM Werner, O Godoy, EM Ladouceur, JE Lucero, CP Weiss-Lehman, JM Chase, C Chu, WS Harpole, MM Mayfield, AM Faist, and LG Shoemaker. 2023 Restoration ecology through the lens of coexistence theoryTrends in Ecology & Evolution.

Ebel, CR, MF Case, CM Werner, LM Porensky, KE Veblen, HBM Wells, DM Kimuyu, RE Langendorf, TP Young, LM Hallett. 2022. Herbivory and Drought Reduce the Temporal Stability of Herbaceous Cover by Increasing Synchrony in a Semi-arid Savanna. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.3389

Weiss-Lehman, CP*, CM Werner*, CH Bowler, LM Hallett, MM Mayfield, O Godoy, L Aoyama, G Barabas, C Chu, E Ladouceur, L Larios, and LG Shoemaker. 2022. Disentangling key species interactions in diverse and heterogenous communities: a Bayesian sparse modeling approach. Ecology Letters 25:1263-1276. *co-first authors

Young, TP, D Kimuyu, E LaMalfa, CM Werner, C Jones, P Masudi, R Ang’ila, and R Sensenig. 2022. The effects of large mammalian herbivory, previous fire, and year of burn on fire behavior in an African savanna. Ecosphere 13:e3980.

Werner, Chhaya M., Maria Tuomi, and Anu Eskelinen. 2021. Plant traits predict persistence of nutrient effects. Oecologia 197:675-684.

Werner, CM, SP Harrison, HD Safford, GN Bohlman, and R Serata. 2021. Extreme pre-fire drought decreases shrub regeneration on fertile soils. Ecological Applications 10.1002:e2464

Werner, CM. 2021. Prescribed fire highlights the effects of zebra, elephants, cattle, and previous burns on savannah heterogeneity. ESA Bulletin (Communication publication, not peer-reviewed)

Werner, Chhaya M., Eric LaMalfa, Ryan Sensenig, Duncan Kimuyu, Kari Veblen, and Truman Young. 2021. Synergistic effects of herbivores and previous fire on fire-scale heterogeneity of prescribed grassland burns. Ecology 102:e03270

Werner, Chhaya M., Katharine Stuble, Anna Groves, and Truman P. Young. 2020. Year effects: Inter-annual variation as a driver of community assembly dynamics. Ecology 101:e03104

Michael J. Koontz, Malcolm P. North, Chhaya M. Werner, Stephen E. Fick, and Andrew M. Latimer. 2020. Local variability of vegetation structure increases forest resilience to wildfire. Ecology Letters 23:483-494

Werner, Chhaya M., Derek J. N. Young, Hugh Safford, and Truman P. Young. 2019. Decreased snowpack and warmer temperatures reduce the negative effects of interspecific neighbors on regenerating conifers. Oecologia 191:731. 

Young, Derek J. N, Chhaya M. Werner, Kevin R. Welch, Truman P. Young, Hugh D. Safford, and Andrew M. Latimer. 2019. Post-fire forest regeneration shows limited climate tracking and potential for drought-induced type conversion. Ecology 100:e02571.

North, Malcolm P., Jens T. Stevens, David F. Greene, Michelle Coppoletta, Eric E. Knapp, Andrew M. Latimer, … Chhaya M. Werner, Peter Wyrsch. 2019. Reforestation for Resilience in Dry Western Forests. Forest Ecology and Management 432:209-224.

Young, Truman P., Katharine L. Stuble, Jennifer A. Balachowski, Megan E. Lulow, Chhaya M. Werner, and Kristina Wolf. 2017. Experimental approaches to addressing climate change challenges in prairie restoration. Grasslands special issue: Climate change and grasslands 27:10-15

Young, Truman P., Katharine L. Stuble, Jennifer A. Balachowski, and Chhaya M. Werner. 2017. Using priority effects to manipulate competitive relationships in restoration. Restoration Ecology 25(S2) pp 114-123.

Werner, Chhaya M., Kurt J. Vaughn, Katharine L. Stuble, Kristina Wolf, and Truman P. Young. 2016. Persistent asymmetrical priority effects in a California grassland restoration experiment. Ecological Applications 26(6) pp 1624-1632.